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Privacy statement Hecht

Privacy statement

Hecht attaches great value to the proper processing of your personal data. The processing of personal data by Hecht is necessary to perform, among other things, its (statutory) tasks in a proper manner. In doing so, Hecht handles your data very carefully and confidentially and has taken security measures to prevent your personal data from being lost or fallinginto wrong hands. 

If you receive care, purchase a service or product or are otherwise known to one of the sectors of Hecht, your name, date of birth and home address will usually be processed and if necessary your telephone number, email address and citizen service number. Hecht also processes special personal data such as data about your health, race or ethnic background and/or financial data for the performance of certain (statutory) tasks. 

Purpose and fundamental principles

Hecht processes personal data to perform its (statutory) tasks. Hecht also processes personal data to advise municipalities about the health policy to be implemented or for conducting scientific research. In order to process personal data, your permission is sometimes required but not always. Permission is not required, for example, if Hecht processes your data for the performance of a (treatment) agreement, if it is necessary to protect your vital interest (health) or the interest of another person or because there is a (statutory) task entrusted to Hecht. In that case Hecht can also process your personal data without your permission. If you do not give Hecht permission to process your personal data, this may have consequences. For example, if you do not want Hecht to record data about you or your children in the Youth Healthcare digital record (Digitaal Dossier Jeugdgezondheidszorg), Hecht cannot provide your children with responsible care. As a result, your children cannot be examined at the Child Health Care Centre or during school health inspections.

Origin of data

Hecht receives personal data if you have submitted them yourself. Hecht also receives data from other persons or organisations. This could be your municipality, for example, because you have recently had a baby who is registered at your home address or because you have to be examined by a doctor of the Municipal Health Service (GGD) for obtaining a certain permit. Your personal data may also come from a (family)doctor, neighbour, family member or the police because they have reported you at the Reporting Centre for Nuisance and Care, or Safe at Home (Meldpunt Zorg en Overlast of Veilig Thuis). 

If Hecht receives your personal data from another person or organisation, Hecht will inform you about this as soon as possible, but in any case within one month. Hecht will inform you from whom the data originate, for which purpose your personal data are processed, to whom your data may be provided and how long they are stored. You will also receive information about your rights with regard to the processing. In certain cases, the law prescribes that this obligation to provide information may be deviated from (temporary or partially). This is the case, for example, when there is legal professional secrecy, you are already aware of the information, the obtaining of your personal data by Hecht is explicitly prescribed by the law or because this is necessary to end a situation of domestic violence or child abuse or to investigate a reasonable suspicion thereof. 

Providing data to third parties

Hecht does not provide your personal data to other persons or organisations without your permission, unless Hecht has an obligation or authority to do so on the basis of a statutory provision. You may always cancel the permission you have given. If Hecht makes use of other persons or organisations (so-called data processors) for the processing of personal data, written agreements are made with these other persons or organisations in order to guarantee the proper and careful processing of your personal data. 

Safety measures

Hecht must take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal data. Hecht has taken technical security measures, such as the encryption of personal data and access controls to computer systems. All employees of Hecht have a (statutory) duty of confidentiality and access to personal data is only given to employees who are authorised to do so. Hecht does not store your personal data longer than necessary for the proper execution of its 
(statutory) tasks and takes into account the applicable statutory obligations. 


As a data subject you have various rights with regard to your personal data that
Hecht processes about you, such as:

  • the right to information which personal data will be processed; 
  • the right to inspect or to receive a copy of your data; 
  • the right to correction or addition of your data if they are not correct; 
  • the right to erasure of your data: ‘the right to be forgotten’; 
  • the right to improve (rectify) your data; 
  • the right to restriction of data processing (temporary stop on processing); 
  • the right to object to data processing; 
  • the right to transfer your data (data portability). 

Hecht does not charge any costs for the exercise of your rights, unless they are unfounded or excessive requests. If you want to know more about your rights and how you can exercise them at Hecht, see the document ‘Toelichting rechten betrokkenen’. 

Toelichting rechten betrokkenen 



Do you believe that Hecht does not process your personal data carefully or correctly, or do you disagree with the way you can exercise your rights about your personal data? Then you can file a complaint with Hecht. This can be done via the complaints form on the website or in writing or verbally via the contact details below. The ‘Complaints Procedure of Hecht’ applies to the handling of complaints. Are you not able to resolve the matter with Hecht or do you want to file your complaint somewhere else, you may also file a complaint with another (judicial) authority, including the Personal Data Authority. For more information we refer you to the website of ‘Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens’. 

More information and contact details

Would you like to know more about the processing of personal data by Hecht, such as the (special) purposes for processing, statutory bases, retention periods, your rights as a data subject or the data leak procedure? You can visit the page ‘Privacy’.

Hecht is active within the Hollands Midden region. For questions, comments and requests, please contact us through the following contact details:

Mailing adress:
Post box 121
2300 AC Leiden

Contact details

Parmentierweg 49
2316 ZV Leiden
T: +31 (0)88 – 308 3000
M: info@wijzijnhecht.nl
De ingang van het gerenoveerde kantoorpand van Hecht in Leiden.